Builtins and Libraries
3.1 Global Utilities
3.2 Numbers
3.3 Strings
3.4 Booleans
3.5 Raw  Array
3.6 Tables
3.7 lists
3.8 sets
3.9 arrays
3.10 string-dict
3.11 option
3.12 pick
3.13 either
3.14 srcloc
3.15 pprint
3.16 s-exp
3.17 s-exp-structs
3.18 image-structs
3.19 image
3.20 world
3.21 gdrive-sheets
3.22 data-source
3.23 reactors
3.24 chart
3.25 plot
3.26 statistics
3.27 math
On this page:
3.4.1 Boolean Functions

3.4 Booleans

The type of the values true and false.

3.4.1 Boolean Functions

not :: (b :: Boolean) -> Boolean

Returns true when given false and vice versa.


check: not(true) is false not(2 < 1) is true end