2.1.9 Contracts
As part of its support for the systematic design of functions, Pyret allows developers to specify an annotation for a name, before that name is defined. For example,
the-answer :: Number the-answer = 42 double :: String -> String fun double(s): s + s end
In both of these cases, the definition itself (of the-answer and double) is preceded by a contract statement, asserting the signature of the definition to follow. Pyret treats these contracts specially, and weaves them in to the definitions: the previous examples are equivalent to
the-answer :: Number = 42 fun double(s :: String) -> String: s + s end
The grammar for these contracts looks nearly identical to that of ‹name-binding›s. Function annotations are given a slightly more relaxed treatment: the outermost set of parentheses are optional.
‹contract› NAME :: ‹ann›NAME :: ‹contract-arrow-ann› ‹contract-arrow-ann› ‹ann› , ‹ann› -> ‹ann› ( NAME :: ‹ann› , NAME :: ‹ann› ) -> ‹ann›
For a standalone function, the contract must immediately precede the function definition, or must immediately precede an examples or check block that immediately precedes the function definition. (Whitespace or comments are not important; extraneous definitions are.)
is-even :: Number -> Boolean check: is-even(2) is true end fun is-even(n): num-modulo(n, 2) == 0 end
is-even :: Number -> Boolean something-irrelevant = 12345 fun is-even(n): num-modulo(n, 2) == 0 end
- For mutually recursive functions, the contracts must be adjacent to the functions, and must precede them.
# Contracts is-even :: Number -> Boolean is-odd :: Number -> Boolean # Implementations fun is-even(n): if n == 0: true else: is-odd(n - 1) end end fun is-odd(n): if n == 0: false else: is-even(n - 1) end end
# Is even? is-even :: Number -> Boolean fun is-even(n): if n == 0: true else: is-odd(n - 1) end end # Is odd? is-odd :: Number -> Boolean fun is-odd(n): if n == 0: false else: is-even(n - 1) end end
is-odd :: Number -> Boolean fun is-even(n): if n == 0: true else: is-odd(n - 1) end end is-even :: Number -> Boolean ## Does not precede definition of is-even fun is-odd(n): if n == 0: false else: is-even(n - 1) end end
- If a contract specifies argument names, then the names must match those used by the function.
is-even :: (n :: Number) -> Boolean fun is-even(n): num-modulo(n, 2) == 0 end
is-even :: (x :: Number) -> Boolean # name does not match fun is-even(n): ... end
- If a contract is used for a function, then the function must not itself be annotated.
is-even :: (n :: Number) -> Boolean fun is-even(n): num-modulo(n, 2) == 0 end
is-even :: (n :: Number) -> Boolean # Redundant argument annotation fun is-even(n :: Number): ... end
is-even :: (n :: Number) -> Boolean # Redundant return annotation fun is-even(n) -> Boolean: ... end
Note that using a contract on a function is more expressive than using an annotated binding for a lambda. Annotated bindings do not enforce all the components of an arrow annotation; they merely ensure that the value being bound is in fact a function. By contrast, function contracts ensure the arguments and return values are annotated and checked.